The Nasty Politics of Tragedy

In Tucson, Arizona yesterday, a wanton violent outburst from a depraved individual shattered the calm of a beautiful desert morning. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was taking part in a “meet your congresswoman” event at a local supermarket when a gunman suddenly opened fire, wounding as many as twenty people, killing six including a federal judge, and […]... Read More

Bright Idea

     In 1879, Thomas Edison managed to do something that man had yearned for since the dawn of age. Submitting a patent for a light device known as the incandescent bulb, he managed provide for the first time reliable and safe illumination of the dark. There is probably no single idea that has done as […]... Read More

Will Healthcare “Reform” Make U.S. Sick?

     The debate last spring regarding American healthcare was truncated and revolved around lack of access not provision of answers to our pressing healthcare needs. In typical modern legislative fashion, years of carefully wrought considerations regarding the strengths and weakness of the healthcare process were swept “under the rug” in the political rush to claim […]... Read More

Oh, The Burden

     Every four years another group of egocentric, driven individuals get it in their mind that they have the special ingredients that are required for the demanding job of President of the United States. They come in several distinct sub-species. There are the career politicians who “understand” the inner workings of modern government “better” than […]... Read More


     Maybe the most frightening moment of an incoming tsunami is when the sea, wrenched by enormous under water forces, pulls back from the land mass, and a momentary still pervades the beach.  The sense of being safe, on dry land,  is overwhelmed by the dread of the unforeseen but inexorable wave surge to come.  […]... Read More

Rob Ford to the Rescue?

     On November 2nd the essence of forty years of philosophical determinism will be on trial in elections held in the United States.  Born out of the intense events and cultural tides of the sixties, a progressively overwhelming liberalist agenda has consumed the consensus of every day life in the Americas.  This philosophy of  reduction of individual […]... Read More

Woe Be Gone California

     It is one week to go before the state and national elections of November 2nd, 2010.  Essentially all prognostications suggest a surge of voter anger to rival the great wave elections of the past, with voter disgust focused on the party in power and great numbers of incumbents imperilled.  The driving issue above all […]... Read More

Smart Presidents versus Dumb Presidents

     It is one of the more ingrained myths of the modern American political experience that the more liberal you are, the more likely you are going to be seen as intellectually gifted or even brilliant,  the more conservative, more likely the dummy with persistence.   Quick – name our “intellectually gifted” presidents of the last fifty […]... Read More
scan0026 Standar and Poor's State Bond Ratings 2009

Is Your State Well Run?

      As the election of November 2nd closes in, the national perspective often clouds the fact that this election is very much a plebiscite on the quality of state and local governmental management.  Governors seats and the senate and assembly positions are up for grabs across the nation, and as Tip O’Neill, the old Boston pol once so […]... Read More