
Democracy Makes a Little Comeback

Don’t look now, but the democratic process is making a little comeback.  On March 6, 2017, the Speaker of the House of Representatives proposed a structural bill to re-imagine health care in the United States.  Almost immediately and uniformly, everybody found something wrong with it.  And Ramparts couldn’t be happier. The difficult, but ultimately elevating process […]... Read More

Asking For Trouble

There was a time where a new administration was given a little room to maneuver, assess the lay of the land, and propose their version of the future.  It was euphemistically called the ‘honeymoon’ period.  With the tensions of the political battle settled by the democratic vote, all sides took a breath and allowed the […]... Read More
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From Russia With Love

After 8 years of resetting relations to a much more mature realpolitik level under the careful direction of Barrack Obama, the world has awoken to the realization that  suddenly the Russians with willing accomplices are undermining democracies.  As if. The nefarious Russians are apparently under every anti-liberal rock and a massive conspiracy at the level […]... Read More

Paying Attention

One of my best friends has a life story the new President of the United States has been adamant we should be on guard against.  Born in Mexico, early in life my friend had to cross the border in what might be charitably described  as less than documented.  Now legally and successfully a permanent resident, he […]... Read More


Every election of a new President of the United States brings a quirky American tradition to the forefront — the need to rate or rank the President about to leave office against his predecessors in some hastily assessed scale of accomplishment and gravitas.  The academicians and faux historians love doing it, because it implies they […]... Read More
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Perfect Storm

At 1:31 AM on November 9th, 2016, the impossible became possible, and the possible became reality when the Associated Press declared on the basis of projected results Donald J. Trump as the winner of the election for 45th President of the United States of America.  The stunned establishment media, pundits, professional pollsters and bicoastal elites that had assumed […]... Read More

Pivots, Principles, and Pundits

In one of the most dispiriting contests for leadership of a great nation since Otho displaced Galba, the 2016 election continues along its unmerry way.  In a not so epic battle between an implacable prevaricator and a self amused charlatan, the nation sheds its weary tears.  2016 could be the epochal election where whoever wins, the […]... Read More