People We Should Know #3 – Mark Steyn

     There remains in liberal circles the ongoing tired mythic argument as to whether an individual can hold “conservative” views and still be perceived as intellectually intelligent, as if anybody holding “conservative” views needs or wants the annointive stamp of liberal intellectual approval.  The liberal mainstream’s conservative intellectual icon was always  William Buckley, Yale graduate, friend […]... Read More

Rob Ford to the Rescue?

     On November 2nd the essence of forty years of philosophical determinism will be on trial in elections held in the United States.  Born out of the intense events and cultural tides of the sixties, a progressively overwhelming liberalist agenda has consumed the consensus of every day life in the Americas.  This philosophy of  reduction of individual […]... Read More

Woe Be Gone California

     It is one week to go before the state and national elections of November 2nd, 2010.  Essentially all prognostications suggest a surge of voter anger to rival the great wave elections of the past, with voter disgust focused on the party in power and great numbers of incumbents imperilled.  The driving issue above all […]... Read More

“England Expects That Every Man Will Do His Duty”

     In 1799, a willful, brilliant Corsican named Napoleon Bonaparte who had led French troops to multiple victories under the auspices of the revolutionary government of France, managed to take advantage of the weakened and self defeating nature of France’s governmental structure and successfully undertake a coup d’etat.  Rapidly outmaneuvering the other coup leaders, he had himself […]... Read More

A New Champion in the Art of Tunneling

    The world was captivated earlier this week by the incredible engineering achievement of drilling teams to bore through 2300 feet of the granite rock of the Andes in less than two months to successfully provide a rescue portal for 33 trapped Chilean miners.  This same week another drilling milestone was achieved in the Swiss […]... Read More
Obama Era Deficits 2009-2010

A Deficit Debacle

     The preliminary numbers from the Congressional Budget Office are in for fiscal 2010 and they are, unsurprisingly, as bad as predicted. The combination of completely unharnessed government spending, reduced recessionary receipts, and a progressively unstable entitlement environment have come together in a perfect storm to explode the standard of acceptability accrued over two hundred years of national budgets from 1790 to […]... Read More

Christoffa Corumbo – October 12th The Man From Genoa Changes History

     A history book that holds particular joy for me  is Samuel Elliot Morison’s ” Admiral of the Ocean Sea”.  Morison was one of America’s greatest literary historians and an expert seaman in his own right.  Eventually achieving Rear Admiral U.S.Navy status for his personal involvement and superb documentation of  the role of the U.S. Navy in World […]... Read More